Catalogue no. 6: Grant Holdem Graham Limited: tents, flags, awnings, horse blankets, tarpaulins, mackinaw clothing, shirts, underwear, socks, etc. --

Since last catalogue was issued it has been necessary to increase our factory spaceand an altogether new branch factory has been opened in Hull, Que., across the river from the main factory in Ottawa, Ont. This new addition opens up another large pulation to draw operators from which helps greatly to decrease overhead costs.Only the :finest and best duck "Repellant Brand" is used in the manufacturing of theworld famous tents. Lumbering and Railroad Contractors will :find these prices to suit their needs while Camping Parties and others will enjoy doing business because of thedependable information born of personal experience in the living of this sort of life, all of which is at your disposal at no extra charge.

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Table of Contents:



G.-H.-G. Standard Ducks

Wide Cotton Duck

Weights of White Ducks

Hand Fire Fighting Equipment


How to Honour the Flag

All WeatherClothing

All Weather Hunting Coat

Weather Beater Riding Breeches

"Weather Beater" Shirt and Jumper

Uniforms and Equipment for Cadet Corps

Men's Sweaters

Ladies' Rain Coat

"Durabil" Mackinaw

G.-H.-G. Work Shirts

Mitts and Caps

All Wool Rugs
