Art Needlework

It is a great pleasure to place before the public the seventh edition of Art Needlework on Rules and Designs for Knitting and Embroidery. IT has been aimed, and think succeeded, in making each number an improvement on the previous one, and in this " Last and Best" we give all that care and expense can obtain. Nothing has been spared to make it all that an experienced worker in silks could want, and at the same timethe directions are so plain and so concise that the novice in this fascinatingwork need not fear to attempt them.By reason of their excellence, many of the old designs have been retained ; but where improvement has been possible, new Rules and new Patterns are given, and the number of these far exceeds the old.

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Table of Contents:




Knitting Silks and How they Differ

Victoria Knitting Silk

Scale for Socks and Stockings

Various Stitches - Knitting

A Letter You Should Read

Things Worth Knowing

New and Charming Stitches

Mountmellick Work

Illustrated Embroidery Stitches

New Stitches in Embroidery

Proper Shades in Wash Silks

How to Measure Spool Silk

Embroidery Silk On Quills

Waste Embroidery Silk